Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Here is a close up of a tree. Wood comes from trees and tree bark is aesthetically pleasing. Enjoy!

For this one I took 5 pieces of balsa wood and I painted on them. Some I painted yellow and put green finger prints over and the others I painted green and brown stripes on. Then I mounted them on black paper and painted a white stripe across all five pieces to unify them.
This next piece I built a box structure out of balsa wood with the sides left emty. Then I painted the whole thing with bright colors. I then painted a leaf on paper and placed the leaf into the cube.
 This piece I painted a self portrait in pirate garb and made a frame for it all with balsa wood. Oh, and it is roughly the size of a quarter.
 I liked the idea of miniature, and I took a wood chip and some scrap wood which I cut and sanded down and built a tiny coffee table.
 Going along with the wood chip idea I mounted another one on block of scrap wood and then dripped brightly colored paint over it. It somewhat resembles a fin of some kind.
 I found a big block in the scrap wood pile and I really liked it. I then took a really long vine that I found and broke it into small sticks. I put holes in the top of the block and glued the sticks into the holes creating some sort of forest.
 My final Wood piece I took a twig that I found, and liked the shape of it, and I mounted it onto a block of wood creating an interesting shape. I liked how it then was transformed from a meaningless twig into a work of art.

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