Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Found Objects

Finding objects proved to be more of a challenge than I had anticipated. It took me a long time to find my first object. It ended up being a shell on the beach. I found a few other shells that day and then I began to pick up little objects here and there. I ended up with 14 total found objects and I decided that my response drawings would be characters based off of the objects. I decided that I only wanted to use natural organic objects and nothing man made. I drew up some sketches then narrowed it down to six final objects. Here they are:
A Shell

A Berry

A Walnut

Pine Needles

A Palm Leaf

A Leaf
Here are the objects that did not make the cut:
They are Rolly Glasses, another Leaf, another Shell, a Feather, Coral, Business Card, an Oil Pastel and a Granny Smith Apple Sticker.
For my responses to the objects, I decided to create a character to go with each item. Here are my drawings.
A Shell Frog
A Berry Head
 A Walnut Buffalo
Pine Needles Man
A Palm Leaf Skeleton

A Leaf Man

Walk the Line

Response to Francis Alys -  I found Alys' video to be very interesting. I like how the discription talks about the social and political undertones in his work and how the ice is dwindling into nothing. In such a way it comments on economic hardship, I think that is very clever how he can take such a simple action and make it represent so much. I like that the video has no soundtrack but rather uses the sounds of the city and the cars passing by, the voices of people in town and small children playing. It gives the video a raw and unedited feeling to it which is very strong.

Response to Janine Antoni - This was an interesting piece. I think it is cool that she learned a skill in order to create her work. A skill like tight rope walking isn't usually thought of as art unless you are in a circus I guess, but she made it into something different. At first when I saw the rope stretched over the water I thought "Why didn't she make it touch the horizon?" but then she explained that just for a moment as she crossed the rope touched the horizon. It makes it look like she is stepping right on the surface of the water. That is very cool.

Response to William Pope L - Well, the video was boring, but I guess in this case the video itself wasn't really the art. In his interview he talks about it being a commentary on homelessness and also racial issues. I think the crawl is an interesting way of displaying his topics. I like his quote "The reason for the contradiction is that I’m suspicious of things that make sense. Maybe I’m afraid of it. False security. Whereas contradiction does make sense to me." in the Bomb Magazine article. The idea that things that make sense are a false sense of security is thought provoking.

When I think of "Walk the Line" the only thing that really comes to minde is the Johnny Cash song. I tried for the longest time to think of something else for the assignment but came up empty handed. So I decided to just go with Johnny. To push the "line" idea I decided to do a line drawing portrait of the Man in Black. Here is what I came up with:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


For the assignment "Scratch" I took photos of people scratching their hind quarters.

*I received permission from each individual photographed.



My initial idea for Stencil was to just put tape on a piece of cardboard and paint over it with yellow paint and then peel off the tape. There was not a lot of thought put into this but then I saw that it kind of resembled the shape of Australia. So then I drew the outline of Australia over the shape and I remembered hearing earlier in class that when something is stamped it is viewed as official. So I had the idea to stencil out in red "Africa" over the continent. Simply to play with the viewer and make them think, "Wait, is that really Africa?"
My next one was a stencil from the Duchamp painting "Portrait of the Artist's Father" and over top of the image I stenciled "Mom" to falsly label the man.

The following image was the statue of liberty with "Money" stenciled over top.

The last five images are of states with their respective capitals. Over the state outlines are incorrect state names. See if you can guess what the real states are. Have fun.




1) Montana 2) Idaho 3) Washington 4) North Dakota 5) Oregon